The Valley Labor Report is a weekly talk radio show taking place from 9:30AM – 11AM, Saturdays on WVNN 92.5 FM that covers local, state, and national news for workers, by workers. The hosts specifically work to educate the audience about the power they have through organizing and solidarity. We also stream the show live on numerous sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
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Call In: 844-899-TVLR (8857) Leave a Voice Mail, Text, or Talk Live On Air
OVERTIME:Why Did Boeing Workers Strike? w/ Boeing Worker Jon Voss, LaborNotes' Jenny Brown - TVLR 9/14/24
In OVERTIME we'll be taking a look at what looks like a coming strike on the eastern ports. We'll also be responding to some anti-worker propaganda about restaraunt u...
Tennessee Workers Explain Why They Unionized Ultium Cells with the UAW - TVLR 9/14/24
HUGE show today. In the first half we're talking to a UAW Servicing Rep and an Ultium worker about the recent unionization in Spring Hill, TN. We'll also be demonstrat...