The Valley Labor Report is a weekly talk radio show taking place from 9:30AM – 11AM, Saturdays on WVNN 92.5 FM that covers local, state, and national news for workers, by workers. The hosts specifically work to educate the audience about the power they have through organizing and solidarity. We also stream the show live on numerous sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
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Call In: 844-899-TVLR (8857) Leave a Voice Mail, Text, or Talk Live On Air
OVERTIME: Trillbilly Workers Party Joins to Celebrate Our KENTUCKY RADIO DEBUT - TVLR 2/17/24
We've got Sarah Lazare from Workday Magazine on how the UAW is making sure Stellantis follows through on re-opening Belvidere and Tom Sexton from the Trillbillies join...
Marilyn Lands Explains Why Voters of Alabama's 10th State House District Should Vote For Her - TVLR 2/17/24
In the first half of the program we're talking to Marilyn Lands, a Democrat running for Alabama State House in one of the few competitive districts in the state. We're...